Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 10, 2011

Beating Others to N4G, No Matter What It Takes

I've noticed this problem for a while, and I'm going to use the latest offender of this action as an example in this blog.

Too many sites rely upon N4G to get the hits they desire. They rely upon it so much that they post irrelevant news articles that contain nothing new but are written as if it should be treated as an opinion piece when the news we read the day before contains all of the same information. They create inane and 'Who Gives a Frak' top ten lists and spam them on N4G. They use boobs in an image to get their posts on the front page. Sites are driven to ensure that they get recognized on N4G so that people will click through to their site.

The problem is that when they do this, the news suffers and we increase our chances on missing on out quality news. It's not fair to those who put their heart and effort into quality news stories and get drowned out by drivel or have their content exploited so that another site can make the front page.

Today, an example of one of these methods to get in first without regard to the quality of their news happened, and it's resulted in a reporting issue for the site itself.

The story in question is:

You look at it and you can't but help to want to click through to see more info on Uncharted 3. It's the hot topic of the day after all. Now, if you're lucky, you might actually get to see that content, but many only get what was originally posted in the news article and not the later edited news article that contains everything it says it does.

What cyber, who I don't know is tied to or not, did is post quickly while the original article contained just the logo of Uncharted 3 and the following text:

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